Alternatives Consulting

One of the industry’s largest teams of dedicated alternatives specialists

Our alternatives and real assets consulting teams are integrated into our strategic consulting business. This ensures that each alternative asset class in your portfolio aligns with your key goals. 

We adhere to a highly structured, rigorous program design and implementation process to make sure prospective investment merits meets your specific needs. 

Our team of dedicated specialists will partner with you every step of the way, from strategic planning and implementation to performance monitoring, all while offering ongoing education.

Private equity and private credit

Ability to access private markets directly and through other vehicles

Zasób 3

Extensive real assets expertise

Dedicated research consultants covering real estate, infrastructure, timber, and agriculture with decades of experience

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Hedge funds and multi-asset class strategies

Decades of hedge fund and multi-asset class research history and insights

Explore our inaugural Real Assets Open-End Funds Fees and Terms Study. 

Get an update from group head Pete Keliuotis

We’ve been expanding service offerings to meet our clients’ growing needs.

~ 0

Alternatives institutional investor clients

$ 0 + billion

Alternatives assets under advisement

~ 0

Specialists providing alternatives consulting services

Jim Callahan


“Alternative investments are an increasingly important component of almost all institutional investors’ portfolios across all client types. We expect this trend to continue. Callan has more than doubled our resources dedicated to these asset classes and is proud to have one of the largest, most experienced alternatives consulting teams in the industry.”

Jim Callahan, CFA


View our 2024 Private Equity Fees and Terms Study. 

Callan turns 50

Callan turned 50 in 2023, and we know who to thank for that. Our clients. 

Learn more about Callan's alternatives consulting services.