Corporate Citizenship

Being a good corporate citizen for our clients, our coworkers, and the world at large

We are 200 employees across six offices rolling up our sleeves every day to find ways to do better — for our clients, our coworkers, and the world at large. At Callan, being a good corporate citizen means that we consider the ethical and social implications of everything we do. It is our responsibility to ensure we conduct our business in a transparent, ethical manner and invest in initiatives that make a tangible impact on the communities we serve.  

Ethical responsibility

Callan adheres to a firmwide Code of Ethical Responsibility that guides the way we do business. At all times, we are committed to acting with integrity, competence, diligence, and respect when working with our clients and prospects, our fellow employees, and other members of the investment community

Diversity, equity, and belonging

Through our diversity, equity, and belonging (DEB) efforts, Callan’s goal is to engage, innovate, and grow by embracing a diverse workforce, pursuing equitable outcomes, and creating a sense of belonging for all employees. Our DEB strategy builds on the work we’ve done over the years, focusing on five key areas: education, recruitment, mentorship and training, retention, and community engagement. 

Philanthropy and community impact

Our commitment to making an impact in the communities where we live and work dates back to 1973 when Ed Callan founded our firm. Through our annual United Way employee giving campaign and on their own time, our employees make a meaningful impact in areas that are important to them. To acknowledge their philanthropic interests and pursuits, Callan offers our employees support through benefits such as group volunteer days and our charitable giving reimbursement program.

Employees collaborating

ESG investing

Callan is at the forefront of research and education concerning environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing. We believe that ESG criteria may have a material impact on investments, and that these factors provide an important lens for assessing potential financial outcomes. Callan is a signatory of the United Nations-supported PRI, the leading global sustainable investing network. Our ESG team, comprising a diverse group of experts from across the firm, develops research to bring transparency and insights to the rapidly changing ESG landscape. Our team also conducts educational sessions, and creates frameworks and solutions to sustainability issues facing our clients. We partner with clients to design, implement, and monitor ESG investment programs.

Facilities management

Callan has made a conscious effort in our facilities to be a good steward of the environment. Our San Francisco, Chicago, Denver, and Portland, OR, offices are in buildings with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, and our Atlanta office is in an ENERGY STAR certified building. The U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED certification programs encourage properties to embrace strategies designed to limit energy and water consumption, protect indoor environmental quality, enhance access to transit options, and favor materials with regional or recycled content. Callan participates in all available office recycling and composting programs.


We are mindful of the impact our day-to-day operations have on the environment and seek to use our office space, technology, and other methods to minimize our impact. Below are some measures we have taken and will be taking:

  • Eliminate single-use plastic wherever feasible
  • Participate in all building recycling and composting programs
  • Continue to reduce the use of paper, printing, and related equipment (we’ve reduced our printing by 80% in the last five years)
  • Significantly reduce the size of our office headquarters for more efficient use by our hybrid workforce
  • Use energy-efficient laptops over desktop computers
  • Ensure all office lights are motion-activated
  • Leverage collaboration tools to help cut down on travel-related energy consumption (e.g., webinars for client events, video conferencing for internal meetings with remote employees)
  • Promote use of public transit through pre-tax transit benefits

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